Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy Birthday, Samantha Lynn Perez!!

My Dearest Samantha,
      Here you are on your 13th birthday. Turning into a beautiful young lady. I am so happy to be your mother, your guidance, your friend. It pleases me to know how grateful your are, how caring you are, how considerate you are. I sit here trying to remember my most favorite memory of you when you were little and so many come to mind that I can't just pick one. I remember you putting yourself under a toy car and asking for a "driver". I remember you watching "Superstar" so many times that when you got mad at me you would run to your room and slam the door and reopen it and yell "your horrible". I can"t wait to have more favorite memories. 
      I'm looking forward see how the rest of your newly found teenage life turns out. Just know that I am always here for you and will never leave your side.
     I love you so much.
     Your mom

1 comment:

  1. Ah that's so sweet. I teared up a little! Love it!
