I have been without a washer since last Thursday. Summin about the board not communicating with the brain so anyway I am waiting for the part to com in from the factory so the repair guy can install it (yes its under warrenty, thank goodness). So iave been going to my sister's house to do a couple of loads everyday since Sunday. Well today, she had to go babysit her VBF's kids so she invited me over there and to keep her company.
When the 3 year old twins woke up, Isaak stepped up and intantly took over. He was carrying Hosea to the couch and holding him cuz he wasn't completly woke up from his nap. And then played outside with them. Right before dinner he was holding both of them playing Yahtzee.
then they decide they want their hand traced.
Then of course Micah wants his traced.
So here you go parents, your next great babysitter. Good job Isaak!!
He was so sweet with them!