Thursday, July 14, 2011


Whatever happened to the meaning of "Best Friends Forever"? And now you've got "Very Best Friend". You that old saying "bros before hoes" or "pals before gals" or "girlfriends before boyfriends", when did that lose meaning? There's a quote that reads " true friend can go months without talking and then pick up where they left off like it was yesterday". I like the one that reads "a true friend doesn't care if your broke, or if your house is a mess or about your past, they love you anyway". I think some forgot the true meaning to friendship and began to see it as a competition.
I always thought that your faults is what made you who you are; by identifying them and excepting them and trying to change them but your VBFF loved those little quirts about you.
I never saw myself as a judging person buy apparently some did. I may point out what your doing wrong but I thought I was trying to help you get on the right path,  trying to be there for you and help you in your time of need. Maybe I am coming across as being judgmental, I'm sorry if I am.
You know everyone has a little crazy in there family; some more tan others; but i didn't know that was grounds to not associate with EVERYONE. I mean, come on, I don't like them anymore than you do but really! But that was not my fault. And as it stands now, I'm not worrying about the crazies in my family, why should you?!
I just pray that not only the Lord brings godly friends to my children but to me as well.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another Birthday!

Today is my youngest babies' birthdays. Fredrick Wallace, Coriander Mitchell and Cinnamon Michelle.
they are 1 year old. they share this day with thier 4 other siblings; Rocky, Patches, Spike and Precious. the daddy'd parents have them and have been informed on numerous occations that they are well and happy. though I don't have many pictures of them after they left us at 9 weeks old, I have seen that are big and just as cute as my 3.

this pic is Wally. he was about 2 weeks old and already showing signs of being the biggest.

here, they are learning how to walk.

this is Corey at about 4 weeks.

And Corey at about 8 weeks.

Cinnamon, Corey, Wally. At 10 months
1year old

1 year old.

1 year old

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy Birthday, Samantha Lynn Perez!!

My Dearest Samantha,
      Here you are on your 13th birthday. Turning into a beautiful young lady. I am so happy to be your mother, your guidance, your friend. It pleases me to know how grateful your are, how caring you are, how considerate you are. I sit here trying to remember my most favorite memory of you when you were little and so many come to mind that I can't just pick one. I remember you putting yourself under a toy car and asking for a "driver". I remember you watching "Superstar" so many times that when you got mad at me you would run to your room and slam the door and reopen it and yell "your horrible". I can"t wait to have more favorite memories. 
      I'm looking forward see how the rest of your newly found teenage life turns out. Just know that I am always here for you and will never leave your side.
     I love you so much.
     Your mom